
Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Voice Oohs
Backing Vocals
Lead 7 (fifths]
Electric Guitar (muted]
Spur 4
Electric Bass (finger]
Schlaginstrumente - Auswahl


Ba-da-da Ba-da-da Ba-da-da Ba-da-da Let it ne-ver be said, that _ ro-mance is dead, 'Cause there's so lit-tle else, oc-u-py-ing my head. Ther is no-thing I need, except the fun-ction to breathe. But I'm not real-ly fussed, does-n't mat-ter to me _. Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ru-by Do ya, do ya, do ya, do ya Know what you're do-in', do-in' to me. Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ru-by Due to lack of int-rest, To-mor-row is can-celled, Let the clocks be re-set, and the pend-u-lums held. 'Cause there's No-thing at all, Except the space in be-tween, Find-ing out what you're called, And re-peat-ing your name. Could it be, Could it be, That you're jo-king with me, And you don't real-ly see you with me _ _. Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ru-by Do ya, do ya, do ya, do ya Know what you're do-in', do-in' to me. Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ru-by